Friday, February 25, 2011

War on Drugs

          Drugs are severely addictive substance that our body can live upon. Since the Late 1970's President Nixon had popularized the prohibition of drugs and later been called as the "War on Drugs". There are a lot of interpersonal relationships to this matter; this includes the use of Alcohol, Marijuana,etc by drug victims and dealers.
          Since the inauguration of the contextual law of prohibition of drugs, arrests and incarcerations have been indicted. During the prohibition of alcohol, alcohol was somewhat of a illegal drug those times. There have been a lot of unsatisfied people on this law, so they tend to disobey it by the underworld works(productions of alcohol on cellars, secret transportations of drugs). In the late 1990's about a million of Americans were arrested each year due to drug dealership and use of drugs. These days, we can see that many people are addicted to Marijuana. It has some sort of addictive substance -- if used, it will be hard to stop. Teens have been acquainted for drug dealerships of Marijuana all over United States.
          Furthermore, racism is concurrent to drug dealership. Blacks are the most prolific drug dealers in this society. due to racism, even innocent black people were sentenced for drug dealing. It is inevitable due to the horrific history of racism in this society. Higher ups perceptions of black are somewhat incomprehensible. They predictably think if a black person has no job then they are most likely to be a drug dealer. This will lead to racism and stereotyping.
          The war on drugs have been affecting each and everyone. Thoughts of money and desire have been inflicted to this situation. Abductions of dealers will give money to the abductors, and dealers will experience and easy money life in accordance to chaotic situation. It's a vise versa transactional situation. Alcohol, Marijuana, and other illegal drugs are still swarming around the hood, and dealers will continue to dominate.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What is Truth?

          These days, we are confused on what to believe in. Whether its the reality we experience, or the beliefs we lived upon our lives. It is inevitable for each individual to be influenced by these persuasive act of media or religious norms. The truth, is the one who gives us the conflict of one another because we live in an influential society.
          Media has the biggest impact on what to believe. Obviously, everyone of us is brainwashed by different kinds of entertainment. We don't realized whether the thing that we see is a fact or just a false pretenses. We could say that UFOs are real, and the media will prove that via a technological means. They can create a virtual image which can deceived our eyes and mind in accordance to their persuasive statements. Furthermore, it has a big contribution to Political Industry. Through media, we can watch the happenings in any Political situation and we perceived it as the truth.
          Moving on, religious groups has their own persuasion on the religious truth. They have disputed that media gives a demonic influence to us, through their observation and through the comparison of their contexts. They have said that Media especially on the "Music Industry" has the biggest contribution on influencing a drastic and satanic doings. I have seen a couple of a religious videos talking about the "rain man". This "rain man" which is always appears on the lyrics of many artists' songs, has a meaning to the religious personnels. They refer it to as the Satan, and through the physical actions on the "music videos"; viewers tend to mimic them. Those "Physical actions" have a symbolic meaning for religious experts. Because of this, I was kind of convinced that it is the truth. Not only me, but many other viewers have meditated on this.
          We are just naive living creature in this world. We are easily influence and easily believe on a certain matter. Additionally, we cannot imposed to be a perfect being in which we don't believe to anything. If there's God then there's God. If there's demon then there's demon. because of that, we believe on a certain fact whether its media or religion.

Friday, February 11, 2011

US and Neocolonialism

          Colonialism had been really a hit during 16th to 20th century. Western countries were the one's who started colonizing territories all over the world. European are the most influential country that brought others to do as well especially United States of America. To gain power, United States have been one of the colonizing empire in the history and influence them with their economic and political systems.
          United states have influenced a couple of countries. Looking back from the past, one of the country that they have colonized was Philippines. Philippines was acquired by the Americans from the chaotic battle with the Spaniards. Since then, Americans have been influencing Filipinos with a westernized economic systems. Education had been a big part of it, in which English is spoken daily in the country. The immigration and migrations between two countries have been prolific. Towering buildings have been populating the area, and economists were scattered all over. Moreover, the product exchange increase in demand in which the economy had risen drastically. The type of clothing and trend was a big hit in the society, and local people have been trading in good products.
          These days, US is the most powerful country. Because of the title it holds, it is inevitable that influential factors from US are spread all over the world. The type of military methods are still in a role to the colonized country back in the day. Media as well had been a big part of the neocolonialism of the United States. In different parts of the world, every media are getting an idea from US's media system – obvious fact of influence.
          In conclusion, due to the power that US acquires. The tendency of neocolonialism are high. Influential factors economically is inevitable. Weaker countries leans on the the economical help from US. Media, Fashion, and Trading industry are the “Big Three” of neocolonialism of United States.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The End of Books as We Know Them ?

         As a reader I tend to be more auspicious of my reading materials. It varies on its appearance or the content of ones material. Due to this modernizing world, we cannot elude from the new technologies that have been populating our interests. Because of this, books and any old-fashioned written materials have been deteriorating due to proliferating technology.
        Since the era of cellphones aggrandized an intellectual's mind, we are captivated with its amazing functionality. Mails and other stationary systems have been deteriorating drastically. Mankind were easily brainwashed by the persuading commercials and other means of media. Since then, we can see from child to adult; everybody have a certain gadget that they are holding. Whether at home or at public, it is inevitable.
        Moreover, the effect of this matter have affected the book merchandising industry. Apple, Samsung, LG, and other big technological companies have stepped-on their ways to eliminate the traditional book making industry gradually. From my observations, I myself have slobbered to the world of technology. I was somewhat enslaved with the curse of technology. I cannot elude away since it has a captivating charisma that even I cannot withstood. The so called “tablet” have been really a top-notch for its “user's friendly” aspect. Because of this, even a flimsy wicked looking old person can have a knowledge in this so called “tablet”. The zooming feature of this gadget can make the letters bigger and wider which can be a really “user's friendly” to those who have a weak eyesight. The contingency of rapid deterioration of franchising an old-fashioned book is big.
        Finally, as years continues to revolves, and people gains new knowledge. We won't be wondering if the world will begin to the era of “the extinct books”. Scientists are craving for the discoveries of the unknown, so the tendency of the elimination of traditional books is high.