Friday, February 11, 2011

US and Neocolonialism

          Colonialism had been really a hit during 16th to 20th century. Western countries were the one's who started colonizing territories all over the world. European are the most influential country that brought others to do as well especially United States of America. To gain power, United States have been one of the colonizing empire in the history and influence them with their economic and political systems.
          United states have influenced a couple of countries. Looking back from the past, one of the country that they have colonized was Philippines. Philippines was acquired by the Americans from the chaotic battle with the Spaniards. Since then, Americans have been influencing Filipinos with a westernized economic systems. Education had been a big part of it, in which English is spoken daily in the country. The immigration and migrations between two countries have been prolific. Towering buildings have been populating the area, and economists were scattered all over. Moreover, the product exchange increase in demand in which the economy had risen drastically. The type of clothing and trend was a big hit in the society, and local people have been trading in good products.
          These days, US is the most powerful country. Because of the title it holds, it is inevitable that influential factors from US are spread all over the world. The type of military methods are still in a role to the colonized country back in the day. Media as well had been a big part of the neocolonialism of the United States. In different parts of the world, every media are getting an idea from US's media system – obvious fact of influence.
          In conclusion, due to the power that US acquires. The tendency of neocolonialism are high. Influential factors economically is inevitable. Weaker countries leans on the the economical help from US. Media, Fashion, and Trading industry are the “Big Three” of neocolonialism of United States.


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