Friday, March 4, 2011

How to End Racism and Classism?

          Racism and classism are both prolific on the most diverse place. United States is the most diverse country in this world, and has the most racial and class discrimination. Despite of the taking off the effect of racism, still racism and classism are inevitable. Racism and classism can be end via faith, law, and psychological explanations. 
          Due to slavery, racism had spread throughout the country. Black people were renowned as the greatest slaves when slavery was still a big part of United States. because of this, the local people look down upon them as if they were just a mere poultry animals. Since then, racism had been a big impact to this society. Another racial example is about the Hispanic dilemma. Since the border scandal between Mexico and United States, multiple people have a negative intuition towards Hispanic people. Stereotypes emerged immensely throughout the country. A proof to this was the government act on the State of Texas. They have induced a somewhat racial discrimination concerning the Hispanic people. Interviewing and some were abducted. 
          Moreover, classism had been the twin brother of racism. White dominance in United States has the higher voice on governing the country while the native Americans has no voice at all. Classism is somewhat owning a right in this country. Every person has a right but some has limitations due to calssism. 
Racism and classism are not acknowledged in some cases. At certain religious views, all people are equal to each and everyone's eye. In Christianity, the bible talks about that every person is equal to God's sight and will not discriminate. This is how Classism will be eliminated somehow. Law can be proposed to end racism and classism. Talking about republicans, they have the strictest personally which can force people by law to end this conflict. 
          Finally, racism and classism are still debatable up until now. Every ethnicity has some sort of qualities that built up a stereotypical point that leads to racism and classism.


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