Saturday, April 2, 2011

Text or Film?

        People have different techniques in learning. There are some bizarre people which multitasking is just a piece of cake. Whether its film or text, it doesn’t matter if it’s a way to learn. The nature of learning is inevitable through text or by means of graphical situations.
Learning depends generally on a certain generations. The baby boomers are the ones who are more applicable in learning with text due to their generations. During their generations, books are more prolific than technological reading gadgets such as tablets, etc. Another point would be that, using text instead of media means gives you more concentration and understanding on a topic. From the past, people can learn effectively even without modern technologies. For example, Albert Einstein never experienced learning from a computer nor know how to make it work, but through text he’s now one of the respectful names in history.  For me, I tend to learn more from reading text rather than films or media texts. I first noticed this when I bought the ebook for my Philosophy class. I couldn’t concentrate reading the material through internet. It didn’t gave me the click of concentration.
For some people, early generations are the ones who tend to depend on technology. As I have said on my previous blog about the deterioration of books due to technology, sooner or later people will be ordained to learn from tablets or computers. One of my professors said, “these days, education system is getting worse because of technology…” Just to sum up what he just said, some of the colleges depends more on computers during lectures. Instructors became useless in their site and the text learning deteriorates.
Text or film are the two means of learning. It all depends on each individual.


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